Classical Curriculum

Classical education is nothing new—it is a return to a model of education proven successful in the past.

The classical model of education was used by the great thinkers and leaders of the past: Aristotle, Plato, Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, and Thomas Jefferson. It has proven results since 500 B.C.

It  is a different way of educating and, most importantly, a different way of viewing a child and his development and progress. Everyone realizes that children have different capabilities according to their ages. A classical curriculum recognizes this and does not ask a child to do something above and beyond capabilities of his age.

It is integrated and logical. It teaches morality through time-tested classics of literature, art, and architecture. Good taste and good manners are learned in this way. Cursive writing is taught—many authorities say that cursive writing improves the mind of a child.

Classical education is sometimes called “leadership education,” because it builds skills needed for leadership: logic, debate, public speaking, clear reasoning, researching, writing, and communicating. These skills are practiced in every subject (math, science, history, geography, Latin, fine arts), which prepares students to become leaders in any field they pursue.

Click on below for more details.


First Grade

Second Grade

Third and Fourth Grade

Fifth through Eighth Grade